Technology - Items tagged as "Scemtec"

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  • Scemtec SIR-2720 (RS232, USB, Ethernet) QUICK VIEW Scemtec SIR-2720 (RS232, USB, Ethernet) from €965.00

    Scemtec SIR-2720 (RS232, USB, Ethernet)


    13.56MHz Industrial Mid-Range Reader / Writer Typical Applications: Library Laundry Logistic Interfaces: RS232, USB, Ethernet Output power: 1.6W Note: A cheaper variant with only USB is available Variants available with 1,...
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  • Scemtec SIR-2720-00 (USB) QUICK VIEW Scemtec SIR-2720-00 (USB) €766.76

    Scemtec SIR-2720-00 (USB)


    13.56MHz Industrial Mid-Range Reader / Writer Typical Applications: Library Laundry Logistic Interfaces: USB only / no IO's  Supported Transponders: EM4034, 4035, 4133, 4135: ISO 15693; EM4237; I-Code ILT; Infineon My-D:...
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